For a video showing how to install an Optifresh NG
Click here: Installing an OptiFresh NG
For a video how to programm the buttons
Click here: Button Programming
For tips & tricks when re-installing a machine which was for a longer period not used.
Follow the link below and click on your model of interest for the specific remarks to do a perfect re-installation.
Click here: Re-installing
To see how the daily rinsing should be carried out:
click here: "Daily cleaning&rinsing"
See TIP and next slide for touch versions
For touch versions:
Activate "Main Menu/0.01 rinse"
To see how the weekly cleaning of the brewer should be carried out:
Click here: "weekly cleaning brewer"
See TIP and next slide for touch versions
For touch versions:
Activate "Main Menu/0.02 clean"
For downloading the complete service book of the OptiFresh including all errors ect.ect.
Click here:
Service Manual OptiFresh
Exploded View:
Factory default models for pushbutton machines are displayed in table (see figure)
If you want to change the canister configuration of your standard OptiFresh NG go to:
Servicemenu-pincode 5 x button 2-:
2.10 Load default values, and select the optional model code you desire from the table in figure.
For the full recipe data sheet OptiFresh NG standard + overview of all standard and optional Software versions click here:
For Touch models see slide 4-5-6
Decaf models for push button machines
When you have a machine with standard Software models and you want to install a model from this table please download the
Optional models for OptiFresh 4 NG machines
When you have a machine with standard Software models and you want to install a model from this table please download here:
Factory default models for Touchscreen machines are displayed in table (see figure)
If you want to change the canister configuration of your standard OptiFresh Touch go to:
Servicemenu-pincode 5 x 2-:
2.10 Load default values, and select the optional model code you desire from the table in figure.
For the full recipe data sheet OptiFresh Touch with overview of all standard and optional Software versions click here:
Decaf models for Touchscreen machines
When you have a machine with standard Software models and you want to install a model from this table please download the
Download the modification document:
Here a guide for installing new software:
Download the software from the website or use these links:
Touch models:
NG 2.0 Models:
For a short video how to renew the permanent brewer filter ( when the message "Change brewer filter"
Click here: How to renew brewerfilter
You can also download out service book and goto chapter 6.3 for the printed instructions
This guide will lead you through the most advised parts you should check, clean and grease during a 1/2 year visit
Check operator menu 1.03.02 counters/service-counters/rinse&clean counters to see:
Coffee-fur remover:
art. no.00008 (1 kg) (100 sachets á 10 grams)
Replace if needed
Note: Make sure the markings of the seal and the baseplate are aligned!
Foodgrade grease 10 gram : art. no.1008121
Foodgrade grease 60 gram : art. no.1001218
Grease the o-ring ( with foodgrade grease for optimal closing of the door
Check the condition of the permanent filter
Link to Guide: "renewing permanent filter"
When filter is dirty: "weekly cleaning"
Every 40.000 cycles the display shows:
"service brewer"
Check the servicemenu 2.13 other settings/2.13.01 cycle counter and check if it is near to 40.000-80.000 ect. ect...
Link to swipeguide :
Grease the doorlock using a teflon spray
This guide will lead you through the most advised parts you should check, clean and grease during a yearly visit
Check operator menu 1.03.02 counters/service-counters/rinse&clean counters to see:
Coffee-fur remover:
art. no.00008 (1 kg) (100 sachets á 10 grams)
OptiFresh Bean:
clean the grinder-discs yearly
Go to manual:
Replace if needed
Note: Make sure the markings of the seal and the baseplate are aligned!
Foodgrade grease 10 gram : art. no.1008121
Foodgrade grease 60 gram : art. no.1001218
Check-clean (or replace) both fans on the back-side and the left-side:
See Tip
Grease the o-ring ( with foodgrade grease for optimal closing of the door
Check the condition of the permanent filter
Link to Guide: "renewing permanent filter"
When filter is dirty: "weekly cleaning"
Every 40.000 cycles the display shows:
"service brewer"
Check the servicemenu 2.13 other settings/2.13.01 cycle counter and check if it is near to 40.000-80.000 ect. ect...
Link to swipeguide :
Renew the cartridge of the water filter system yearly and reset the counter 2.06"service boiler"/2.06.02 "reset service counter"
After renewing the water-filter cartridge it could still be neccacary to inspect & descale the boilersystem
The boiler-system itself is identical to the OptiVend series and therefore the instructions of the OptiVend regarding descaling procedures are 95% relevant:
Go to manual "descaling boiler" (showing OptiVend)
Grease the doorlock using a teflon spray
This guide will help you to refurbisch the gasket and wiper rubber of the upper brewerchamber
Under normal conditions this needs to be done every 40.000 cycles of the brewer and will automaticly be displayed when the brewercycle counter reaches 40.000 cycles
Note: For all advised parts regarding the brewer also look into the servicebook OptiFresh/maintenance chapter 6.4.2
Please prepare for the 40.000 cycle maintenance with parts:
Now the brewer is open:
Pull the wiperframe away from the guiderail and flip it over
Remove the wiperrubber from the slide arm
Clean the surface before installing the new wiperrubber
Fit the new wiper rubber
Note: Make sure it goes in the correct way like shown in the picture
When the new wiper is fitted it should look like this: wiper rubber exactly flat with the plastic support
Make 100% sure the new gasket is all the way down in the groove and looks exactly like shown in the picture
Note: pressing it with a flat item could help you or place the chamber with the gasketside on the table and press it firmly downwards
Flip the wiper support over and bend the support unto the guide rail
Make sure the frontside handle "clicks" back into the correct position
Push the "brewer open-close" button again to close the brewer
If this message appears: "Is the brewerfilter changed? "
Make a recipe and check if everything is working OK again
Now your machine is ready to be used again!
This guide will help you to refurbisch the cylinder 03372 and the teflon piston cover 03370
Under normal conditions this needs to be done every 80.000 cycles of the brewer and will automaticly be displayed when the brewercycle counter reaches 40.000 cycles for the second time (check cycle counter/2.13 "other settings")
"Normal" means:
brewer must be cleaned weekly with coffee fur remover 10 gram sachet
Please prepare for the 80.000 cycle maintenance with parts:
Take the slicon waterhose out of the chassis
Remove the coffee outlet from the bracket
Take out or lower the transport safety or turn it downwards
It is not neccacary to remove the screw
Pull the lower side of the brewer strongly towards you
Use a screwdriver to remove the pin
Take out both screws on the R-side while holding the support plate inside with your other hand
Slide out the support plate
Take off the cylinder
Pull the piston out of the old cylinder
Remove the white teflon cover from the piston
Note: grease the grey pressure ring to make the fitting of the new teflon cover more easier
Fit the overhauled piston to the new cylinder
Fit in a new permanent filter
Fit the chamber back into the brewer support:
Fit the brewer to the bracket unto the chassis
If this message appears: "Is the filter changed"
Fit the water supply hose to the chassis
Make a coffee test drink and check if everything is working ok
Now your machine is ready to be used again!
The cupvolumes in the OptiFresh depent on a correct calibration of all dosingvalves.
Calibrating is necessary when a new dosingvalve (art. nr. 03250) is installed or when the realtime cupvolumes are off.
This guide will show you how to set all dosingvalves to 15ml/sec. using the calibration step in the menu.
To do the following steps, please provide yourselve with the extra parts in the picture.
You also need:
Take out the canisters
Take out the inner cover
Take out the water supply hose to the brewer
The level should be 150 ml like indicated in the display
Refit the original brewer hose to the wateroutlet
Go to and also calibrate the mixer 2 valve (DV2)
Calibrate Mixer valve DV2
Remove the right-side panel
Remove this clamp and take out the hose
Close door and also turn the door lock!
Prepare for calibration
Goto and calibrate the Hot Water valve (DV4) holding the measuring cup under the hose you took out of the side of the machine (slide 16)
Refit all canisters
Take a testdrink and see if the actual cupvolume is exactly as set in 2.01/Quick recipe pro/Coffee recipe.
When a dosingvalve is dripping, check the swipeguide refurbish dosingvalves here:
Refurbishing the dosingvalves 03250 is neccacary when:
For refurbishing dosingvalve you need the kit art. nr. 99673 for each valve.
We always advise you to refurbisch all valves together at 1 visit!
Remove the canisters
Remove the inner cover
Remove the wastebin
Remove the wiring from DV1
Note: pulling the plastic covers will release the lock and allow you to remove the cables from the coil
Place a towel or cloth underneath the valves
Take out the valve
Remove the slicon hose from the valve
Put the valve in front of you on the table
Take off the coil nut using wrench nr. 10
Unlock the coil center by turning it in direction of the arrow (clockwise)
Remove the coil center from the body
Remove the lower part of the body by turning it in direction of the arrow (anti-clockwise)
Prepare the new parts from the kit 99673
Remove the white ring from the lower valve using a pair of pliers
Fit the new ring from the kit to the lower valve part
Take out the o-ring
Take out the white ring
Fit in the new ring
Note: make sure to fit it like shown in the picture!
Fit the new o-ring
Refit the lower part to the valve body turning it in the direction of the arrow (clockwise)
Fit the little silicon hose to the lower part again
Remove the old silicon seal from the core
Fit the new seal to the core
Fit the black plastic coil support
Fit the coil again and tighten it with the nut again using wrench nr. 10
Fit the silicon hose to the valve
Fit the valve into the boiler rubber again
Refit the wiring to the coil
When the left valve (DV1/brewer) is refurbished:
Start working on the middle one (mixer valve) and if this is done finish with the hot water valve (right side valve)
Note: Always refurbish the valves 1 by 1: do not dismantle all at the same time.
Doing it like this = less mistakes!
Refit the inner cover
Refit the canisters
This instruction helps you when the grinder:
In this second event, mostly the free outlet of the coffee was obstructed or the rubber flapper inside outlet 13911 isn't opening anymore
Tip: instead of manual cleaning described in the next slides it's also possible to use GRINDZ "Cleaning Beans" (art. nr. 1000151)
Take out the complete Bean hopper moving it upwards
Use a vacuumcleaner to remove the remaining coffeebeans from the top of the grinder
Loosen the little philipshead screw on top of the grinder outlet ( 13911)
Take away the plastic grinder outlet, sliding the upper part away from the grinder outlet first.
Tip: the outlet 13911 is a delicate part.
We advise you to renew is yearly, but you can also clean it during the yearly maintenance.
Clean or renew the plastic grinder outlet 13911, giving extra attention to the condition of the rubber flapper inside.
Tip: Make sure the plastic is not cracked or damaged!
Unscrew both screws from the aluminium grinder head (left+right)
Take out the left screw
Take away the upper aluminium (fixed disc) head of the grinder
Clean the upper ceramic disc by using the standard brush and a vacuum cleaner
Tip: The ceramic discs can last for 300.000 shots!
These discs only need to be replaced in case of very high dispencing counters or when they are damaged by a rock in the beans ect.
Clean the rotating disc as well , using a vacuüm cleaner and the standard brush
Before re-fitting the upper aluminium disc head: make sure the plastic grinder bottem is facing towards the frontside of the machine!
Fit the Aluminium head back in it's place, paying extra attantion to the correct position of the plastic outlet (yellow circle) and put both screws back into place (red circles)
Tighten borh screws again.
Refit the grinder outlet again , starting bottom first and than tightening the little screw with gentle force!
Fit the beanhopper back into the machine, fill it up with Beans and open the bottom-slide again (moving to the left/upwards)
New HDMI cable replacement kit (
Remove the inner cover
Remove the plastic cover plate by pressing the release button at the bottom.
Pull the HDMI cable towards you
Disconnect the HDMI cable from the interface board.
Pull the HDMI cable completely back trough the inner panel.
Separate the earth cable* from the HDMI cable.
*If your machine does not have this 'earth cable' you can skip this action.
Disconnect the HDMI cable from the main board.
Example of the widened opening side panel to allow the new larger HDMI plug trough.
Fit the new HDMI plug and cable trough the widened opening from the inside (brewer side)
Fit the earth cable* trough the 2 rubbers on the new HDMI cable.
*If your machine does not have this 'earth cable' you can skip this action.
Connect the HDMI cable to the main circuit board.
Secure the cable(s) back in the clips.
*If your machine does not have this 'earth cable' you can skip this action.
Attach the tulle in the (widened) opening of side panel.
Remove the backing paper from double-sided tape
This instruction will guide you trough the best way of replacement of art. nr. 1006339
This can be neccacary in case of:
Open the door and remove the upper bolt of the cover
Remove the cover
Release the lip of the chrome front cover by pressing it forward.
Meanwhile: move the chrome cover frontside upwards (see next slide)
Remove the chroom cover by sliding it upwards
Take the black plastic body out of the door from backside
Take out all 6 screws that hold the touch screen assembly to the frontside of the door
While holding the touchscreen assembly in your hands:
Take out both connectors from the electronic board:
Take out the connector of the touchscreen backlight
Now we need to unlock both flatcables of the touchscreen:
Left flatcable: flip upwards the black connector lock of the small flatcable with a tiny screwdriver
Unlock the wide flatcable by pushing the black lockbracket 2-3mm away from the white connector
Important note: Be very gently doing this!
Breaking the lock means you need to buy a new interface board!
Slide out both flatcables.
Important: Take good notice how far they were inside the connector!!
Later on, the flatcables of the new touchscreen will have to go in exactly as far, otherwise it will effect the touchscreen performance!!
Be very gently; DO NOT use any pliers or other tooling to remove the flatcables! This will lead to damaged flatcables!
Unbox the new interface board
Release the black lip, securing the electronic board and take out the electronicboard completely
Take the new interface board and place it into the box
Slide in both flatcables
Note: Make sure they go in ALL the way!!
Warning: Do not use any tools like pliers ect.: You will damage the flatcables making the complete touchscreen useless! Fingers only!
Close the lock of the wide flatcable connector
Close the lock of the small flatcable by flipping it downwards
Fit the touchscreen assembly back to the frontside of the door using all 6 screws
Note: make sure the HMDI cable is guided in such a way it isn't in between door chassis-black plastic frame
Put the plastic bag with shims for the brewer back into the compartment
Fit the bracket back into the door
Slide the chrome cover downwards till it clicks
Put the steel cover+instructions back into its place
Fasten it with the upper bolt
Make a last check here if everything is OK
Make sure everething is looking OK from this side
In case of stripes: go back to step 21 and check the flatcables on correct assembly
After renewing the interface board it is always better to update the machine with the latest SW version.
The most recent version is always te be found at the Animo website/ My Animo platform
This instruction will guide you trough the best way of replacement of:
This can be neccacary if:
Open the door and remove the upper bolt of the cover
Remove the cover
Release the lip of the chrome frontcover by pressing it forward.
Meanwhile: move the chrome frontcover frontside upwards (see next slide)
Remove the chrome frontcover by sliding it upwards
Take the black plastic body out of the door from backside
Take out all 6 screws that hold the touch screen assembly to the frontside of the door
While holding the front assembly in your hands:
Unbox the new display and put it next to the old display on the table
Loosen all 6 screws holding the plastic frame to the old touchscreen
Take out both connectors from the electronic board:
Now remove the plastice frame completely and place it on the back-side of the new touchscreen
Take out the connector of the touchscreen backlight
Now we need to unlock both flatcables of the touchscreen:
Left flatcable:
Unlock the wide flatcable by pushing the black lockbracket 2-3mm away from the white connector
Important note: Be very gently doing this!
Breaking the lock means you need to buy a new interface board!
Slide out both flatcables.
Important: Take good notice how far they were inside the connector!!
Later on, the flatcables of the new touchscreen will have to go in exactly as far, otherwise it will effect the touchscreen performance!!
Be very gently; DO NOT use any pliers or other tooling to remove the flatcables! This will lead to damaged flatcables!
Release the black lip, securing the electronic board and take out the electronicboard completely
Take the electronic board and place it directly into the framework of the new Touchscreen
Take the long black frame and prepare it for fitting it back unto the new touchscreen
Make sure the wiring of the speaker (red/white) and led lights (black cable connector) are in the right spot before laying the frame down unto the touchscreen.
Fit long the plastic frame with the speaker unto the new Touchscreen and tighten it again with all 6 screws
Slide in both flatcables
Note: Make sure they go in ALL the way!!
Warning: Do not use any tools like pliers ect.: You will damage the flatcables making the complete touchscreen useless! Fingers only!
Close the lock of the wide flatcable connector
Close the lock of the small flatcable by flipping it downwards
Fit the touchscreen assembly back to the frontside of the door using all 6 screws
Note: make sure the HMDI cable is guided in such a way it isn't in between door chassis-black plastic frame
Put the plastic bag with shims for the brewer back into the compartment
Fit the bracket back into the door
Slide the chrome cover downwards till it clicks
Put the steel cover+instructions back into its place
Fasten it with the upper bolt
Make a last check here if everything is OK
Make sure everything is looking OK from this side
In case of stripes: go back to step 21 and check the flatcables on correct assembly
This instruction helps you when the plastic grinder driving wheel underneeth the lower ceramic disc of the Ditting coffe grinder is broken and the grinder doesn't produce any grounded coffee anymore (or even makes strange noise when running)
The driving wheel+belt are available under
Take out the complete Beanhopper upwards
Use a vacuumcleaner to remove the remaining coffeebeans on top of the grinder
Loosen the little philipshead screw on top of the grinder outlet ( 139110
Take away the plastic grinder outlet, sliding the upper part away from the grinder outlet first.
Tip: The outlet is a delicate part. We advise you to renew is yearly but you can also clean is during the yearly maintenance in case of low amount of dispenced drinks.
Clean or renew the plastic grinder outlet 13911, giving extra attention to the condition of the rubber flapper inside.
Tip: Make sure the plastic is not cracked or damaged!
unscrew both screws from the fixed aluminium grinder head (left+right)
Take away the upper aluminium (fixed disc) head of the grinder
Clean the upper ceramic disc by using the standard brush and a vacuum cleaner
Tip: The ceramic discs can last for 300.000 shots!
Only need to be replaced in case of very high dispencing counters or when they are damaged by a rock in the beans ect.
Clean the rotating disc as well , using a vacuüm cleaner and the standard brush
Remove both (L+R) screws from the back-side panel and remove also the back-side panel itself
Unscrew both screws from the belt cover
Take away the belt cover
Un-tighten (but do not take out ) both screws of the grinder motor, allowing the belt some slack in order to easy the removal of the front-side disc axle ( later on in this instruction)
Now, with the motor loosened, give the belt some "slack"
Goto the front-sade of the machine: use a firm (straight) screwdriver underneath the plastic grinder bottom ans Gently maneuver the upper disc upwards, sliding it out of the damaged plastic beltwheel
take it out completely
Extra (July 2021):
The parts marked wit A can also be ordered when needed with 1010426
Push the plastic wheel backwards with your finger in the direction of the arrow
Remove the damaged wheel from the rear and install a new one in its place.
When the ceramic discs are damaged or the grinder motor gives you any trouble: please find the art. nr's here!
Before re-fitting the upper aluminium disc head: make sure the plastic grinder bottem is facing towards the frontside of the machine!
Fit the Aluminium head back in it's place, paying extra attention to the correct position of the plastic outlet (yellow circle) and put both screws back into place (red circles)
Tighten borh screws again.
Move the motor backwards to get away the "slack" from the belt and tighten both screws again to secure the motor
Refit the grinder outlet (13911) again, starting bottom first and than tightening the little screw with gentle force!
Fit the beanhopper back into the machine, fill it up with Beans and open the bottom-slide again (moving to the left/upwards)
This guide will help you when the bearing wheel 03467 of the left brewerarm is damaged
This bearing will be damaged when the coffee residu is too wet! (see also fix)
When your bearing is looking like this:
Remove the circlip of the left wiperarm axle
Remove the axle from the brewer body
Take a tool and "unhook" the spring holding the wiperarm (see also next slide)
Remove the tiny circlip from the bearings axle
Note: Remove the axle itself from the arm using a small driver shaft or another tool that suits you
Remove the tiny circlip securing the bearing to the axle
Fit the new bearing to the axle and secure it with the tiny circlip again
Fit the axle+new bearing to the brewerarm again and secure it with the circlip
Slide the refurbished arm back into the brewer body
While sliding the arm back in:
make sure this end of the spring is placed already on the inside of the arm (see slide 7)
This way you only have to concentrate on getting the spring around the bush on the outside of the arm (see next slide/upwards arrow)
Manipulate the spring around the bush on the outside of the wiperarm while sliding the arm downwards
Now your brewer is ready to be used again
As from week 38/2021- serial no. 1AF27426 the doorswitches housing of all OptiBean and OptiFresh machines (touch & push-button) have been upgraded. 1010715 (see also picture) is retrofit with all previous machines and this gives:
This swipeguide will show you how to upgrade your machine to the current situation
Switch off the machine
Take out both screws (front and backside)
Remove the side-panel by pulling the lower section away from the chassis and than manouvre the panel upwards
Remove the lower switch by taking out both screws
Place both switches into new housing
Place the closed housing assembly onto the inner panel and fit the 2 M4 screws
The proper working of both switches can be tested in the hardware test 2.07/Inputs/doorswitch -doorswitch2
Always keep this o-ring (art. nr. 1000812) greased with foodgrade grease for optimal closing of the door
Foodgrade grease 10 gram : art. nr. 1008121
Foodgrade grease 60 gram : art. nr. 1001218
Grease the doorlock using High-Tef(lon) oil
The break-pin of the driver wheel brewer will break whenever the permanentfilter in the brewer is not cleaned every week with coffee fur remover.
The break-pin (art. nr. 03341) prevents the gearbox of the brewermotor getting damaged by excessive force when the permanentfilter or the brewer itself are obstructed in any way.
Error 5 is displayed whenever the brewer-motor switch (during start-up) is no longer detected
First, we make sure that the pin actual is broken and causing the E5 or E4 error:
Remove the 1 screw that hold the motor assembly
Note: In case the brewer transport safety bracket is still present it can be removed
Remove both connectors of the brewer switch (black-Grey) and the power (Red-Black)
Move the complete motor-assembly upwards
Take out the complete assembly (upper side first)
For the next step you need a driver pin (max 2 mm ) and a hammer
Prepare a new wheel (art. nr. 03340) and a new break-pin ( 03341)
Note: Make sure the end of the break-pin with the thinner end (old version/conical pin) or the pointed side (new model-May 2022) goes in first
Update: Since June 2024 the wheel + pin are combined in a set (
Set 1012799 contains a conical break-pin again!!
Note: make sure the lever of the microswitch is not obstructed and fitted nicely on the outside of the new wheel.
Refit the motor assembly again, upper side in first and slide it downwards again
Refit the connectors of the microswitch (grey-black) and the motor (red-black)
Fit and tighten the screw again
Refit the inlet tube into the hole in the cabinet
Refit the outlet hose of the brewer unto the plastic support again
When the display permanently shows "System Synchronizing" like shown in the picture, you are advised to replace the HMDI cable .
Ensure the actual water level by opening the boiler.
Water level up to maximum level sensor?
Visually ensure the correct water level by removing the boiler lit.
Water under lower minimum sensor?
E2 Level Error
E3 Level Error
Boiler fills up too slowly during installation.
E4 Brewer Error
E5 Brewer Error
E6 High Temperature
E7 Brewer Error
E8 Mixer 2 Error
E8 Mixer 3 Error
E10 Valve Error
E11 Ingrediënt Motor Error
E13 Mixer Group Error
E14 Output Error
E16 Level Error
E17 MDB Error
E18 Mixer Group FET Error
Brewer or mixer motor output (FET) defective. Replacement of control is needed.
E19 Output FET Error
Ingredient motor / vale / fan output (FET) defective. Replace control.
E20 Software Error
E21 Boiler Timeout
E26 Low Temperature
E27 NTC Short Circuit
E28 NTC Not Detected