This video shows how to install a new Combi-Line.
Click here: First installation
For video how to descale the coffee system:
Click here: Descaling coffee system
For video "how to descale the water boiler"
Click here: Descale water boiler
Download here the complete service book of the Combi-Line NG (including all error codes+explanations)
This instruction informs you about a modification that has taken place in the ComBi-Line CB40.
New dry-boil safety switch for CB40
From serial number 1HE xxxxx / production week 02 / 2021
Part number
The safety temperature was raised against unwanted activation during normal use. New temperature 90°C
Yes, can be applied manually afterwards
If your CB40 dry-boil protection switches OFF during the brewing process -and there is no scale build up in the flow heater which can also cause this problem- change both dry-boil protection for the new type.
If the handle of the no-drip tap feels quite loose, a small improvement has been made.
Check the software version
Software version
The software version is written behind the text Main Controller Software: x.xx
Prepare the software
New software can easily be installed on the machine. New software is available in the following ways:
The complete software update takes abt. 1 minute.
Download the software
Copy files to the SD memory
For a reliable operation of a SD memory;
Software installation
The software version is listed in the red box
Press OK to proceed.
* Model CB40 is only displayed when there is no hot water boiler included.
How to get access to the operator menu?
Operator menu (user menu)
With the Operator menu you have limited control of most of the important functions.
How to get access to the service menu?
Service menu (service engineer menu)
With the service menu you have full control of all important functions.
102 Are you sure you want to quit?
No communication between interface (main) and the left-side PCB (I/O board)
Possible Solutions:
Possible cause
24 volts lost on I/O board.
Possible cause
No more software timers available.
Possible cause
The system has crashed and will be restarted as a result.
Possible cause
There is a fault in the boiler temperature sensor.
Possible cause
There is a fault in the boiler temperature sensor.
Possible cause
The safety temperature limiter hot water system is activated. Boiler signal tries to heat the boiler for more than 30 minutes.
Possible cause
One of the three heaters does not heat.
Possible cause
One of the three heaters does not heat.
Possible cause
One of the three heaters does not heat.
Possible cause
One of the three heaters does not heat.
Possible cause
One of the three heaters does not heat.
Possible cause
There is a problem with the mains water supply.
During the first installation of the hot water boiler, the minimum level sensor is not reached within 120 seconds.
If the inlet valve stays open for 10 minutes, error 205 will take over and will close the valve to prevent it from overheating.
Possible cause
The maximum level sensor (cold water tank) detects water, but the minimum level sensor (hot water tank) does not detect water.
If you find the level sensors as shown in the photo, try to repair them by reinstalling them or replacing them.
Possible cause
After 10 minutes of trying to fill during error 203, the inlet valve [KW2] is finally closed to prevent it from overheating.
Possible cause
The system detects that the brew process is not working at full force. It notices that the flow heater element is activated for more than 20 minutes (CB40: 25 minutes).
Check if the brew system produces enough hot water from the swivel arm.
Possible cause
One of the three heaters does not heat.
Possible cause
There is a problem with the mains water supply.
Possible cause
Possible cause
The software is set to the wrong model.
If its a CB10, CB20 or CB40 and the maximum brew volume in the display is only 5 Liter the machine has reset to the smallest model CB5
Possible cause
If the error 207 only occurs during the descaling program:
Possible cause
There is a fault detected with the water inlet valve [KW1] coffee maker.
Even though the water supply valve is closed (not activated), water slowly passes through. This is detected by the flow meter [FL1] and the error 208 is displayed.
Possible cause
Possible cause
The maximum level sensor falsely informs the electronic board that it detects a water level.
Possible cause
After 10 minutes of trying to fill during error 207, the inlet valve is finally closed to prevent it from overheating.
Error 211 No water flow detected
Location I/0 board
Location flow meter
If no impulses arrive:
Possible cause
The temperature sensor from the hot water boiler is not detected. The sensor (Art.No. 80063) is situated on the outside of the boiler.
Possible cause
The temperature sensor (Art. No. 80063) is internally faulty.
Possible cause
Problem with the software
Possible cause
During coffee making, maximum level sensor [A] is not released within .... sec. (see table)
CB5 120 Sek.
CB10 100 Sek.
CB20 80 Sek.
CB40 120 Sek.
Solution 1/2
Check if all three the heating elements in the flow heater are operating.
If one of then is not functioning the water level leaves the maximum sensor later than listed (see table) with error 216 as a result.
Error 216 Dry boil protection activated
How does the software detect this?
During start up of the coffee brewing proces, maximum level sensor is not released within the time specified in table below. If the time (mentioned in the tabel below) exceeds error 216 is activated.
CB5 - 120 Sec.
CB10 - 100 Sec.
CB20 - 80 Sec.
CB40 - 120 Sec.
The most common cause of error 216 is that the safety temperature limiter of the brewing system is activated.
If the dry boil protection remains active, verify the output flow from the swivel arm in liters per minute.
If the amount is less than indicated (or more), focus on identifying the reasons for this discrepancy.
Explanation pictures:
Check the Main board flow heater output
Check if during the brewer start up 2 LED's light up.
The third LED must light up after the first water flows out of the swivel arm.