Download the valid user manual for you M-line coffeemaker or water boiler
Manual M100 – M102 – MT100 – MT100v
Manual M200 – M202 – MT200 – MT200v
Manual M200W – M202W – MT200W – MT202W
The default set temperature of all waterboilers (WKT-n or integrated in M-Line) is:
90 degrees celcius +/- 2 degrees
When you want to increase the temperature:
Put in a flat screwdriver (nr. 3 or 4) and turn it clockwise to get a higher temperature
See also next slides for more info
The "Hot spot" where to put your screwdriver
General functions of both lights: see figure
Explanation of the Key panel
Setting of the valid indication of the descale signal
Reset signal after descaling: Press the program button for 6 seconds
Note: pre-wet function is not very often used, but if someone turns this function on by accident, you will have a very strangely behaving coffeemaker if you are not aware of this option...
General explanation key panel
Standard the machine is set to 14 Cups
Can be set to liters when preferred
In case of of thermos jug model the standard 14 cups must be changed in the correct contant depending on the thermos pot or jug which is used together with the machine.
See figure how to alter the volume following the tabel in the next slide (4)
Nr: 20 is standard setting for all machines (14cups/1,8ltr)
Nr: 30 is the advised setting for all Animo thermo pump jugs (18cups/2,2ltr)
Nr: 35 is advised for the Animo 2,4 litr Thermos container (
Some fine-tuning in the actual level (jugs and thermos containers) can be done by altering the number in the tabel.
This can be neccacary because the coffee used can be different also.
To get the best out of your coffee the pre-brew funtion can be activated.(standard off)
The switches 02180 can only be renewed from the back-side!!
See next slide for exact instructions
The switch 02180 can only be replaced from the inside!!
Main-board 03290 replaces since July 2009 all previous (separate) article numbers:
The valid function is set by 2 dip-switches (see photo and next slides)
See Fix
Both dipswitches off/00 (default setting):
Dipswitch 1 off/2 on:
Dipswitch 1 on/ 2 off:
Tip: if display shows EA the dipswitches are set wrong and the board detects this: check/set dipswitch position again
Dipswitch 1 on/ 2 on:
In case of errors regarding the floater switches (art. no.02930) in the M100 and M200 series this instruction will show you how to reach them.
Slide the top plate backwards
See slide 8 for M200/M200W/M202W/M200T
Lift the the top and turn it upside-down.
Remove the wiring
Remove the inner lit upwards
Note: M100/hand-fillers have more chance of coffee residu inside the inner reservoir when the coffee jug is also used (and not proper cleaned) to fill the reservoir
M200 series: see slide 8
M200 series:
Inspect the free working of the floater
Descale or clean both floaters and the reservoir itself when neccacary
After cleaning-checking-descaling:
From week 25/2014 the automatic coffee brewers M-line are equipped with a Descaling Program (dp)
When the red warning light is on, the machine needs to be descaled:
To Abort: see Fix
Take out the plug on top
Place the funnel (
Pour again some descaling solution slowly in the funnel till you hear a beep
Switch the machine Off with the main switch to abort the dp program
The M(T)100(v) is a hand-filling machine
It only has some error codes displayed by both led's on top:
Green led blinking: No jug detected by the Jug lever
Advice: check the use of a Animo jug or thermos container with the right height!
See also fix
Problem: the green brewing light is on, but not water is coming to the filterbasket
Advice: Reset the dry-boil safety button on the back-side
Both leds, green and red are blinking in a modus:
1x green, 3x red
Advice: maximum brewing time exceeded. Reset the dry boil protection
When resetting isn't solving the problem
The dry-boil safety thermostat is double pole :
Now with both cables removed from the thermostat:
Check both poles of the safety thermostat like shown in picture
Photo only for explanation: thermostat and boiler can stay inside machine of course!
Problem: The water is poured in, but the green led is not lighting.
Advice: it is possible that the floater switch is mechanically stuck and must be checked/cleaned/descaled
To reach the floater switch in the internal reservoir please check here the manual.
Problem: The red led is permanent on
This Swipe Guide informs you about the different error codes that can be shown in the machine display.
How do you reset an error:
Switch the device off/on with main switch. When the technical problem is solved, the error code will not occur again.
E1 [filling time error]
E2 [maximum water sensor error]
E3 [minimum water sensor error]
The minimum water sensor must deactivate within 150 sec. of the last filling cycle.
E4 [water sensor error]
Maximum water sensor detects water, and minimum water sensor does not detect water.
Tip: Mostly the upper floater switch is obstructed by limescale or dirt
E5/E6: Fatal error on PC board 03290
Solution:Renew the board
Click here in case of renewal for instructions:
E7 [flow meter error]
Flow meter transmits too few or no pulses at all.
Tip: a red led on the mainboard (next to flowmeter connector) will flash whenever the inlet valve is open and water tap is open and pressure is between 2-5 bar
E8 [minimum water sensor error]
Minimum water sensor is deactivate during the brewing process: Reservoir does not refill.
Display shows EA (or 88) +red alarm light
This means the dip-switches are set wrong after replacing the electronic board
If the LEDs are blinking the heating and refilling of the boiler is canceled.
This SwipeGuide informs you about the different blinking codes that can be shown from the LED panel.
How do you reset an error?
Indicator lights blink: Yellow 1x /Green 1x
See also: Warning-Tip-Alternative
Indicator lights blink: Yellow 1x / Green 2x :
No contact with the temperature sensor boiler
Indicator lights blink: Yellow 1x / Green 3x :
Hot water boiler did not reach the set-point within 22 minutes time: check dry boil protections back-side machine
Indicator lights blink: Yellow 1x / Green 4x :
Maximum boiler filling time reached:check water pressure!
Indicator lights blink: Yellow 1x / Green 5x :
Sensor read out error