For a video showing how to install a OptiBean
Click here: Install a OptiBean
For a video how to program a OptiBean
Click here: Button programming and adjustment
For tips & tricks when re-installing a machine which was for a longer period not used.
Follow the link below and click on your model of interest for the specific remarks to do a perfect re-installation.
Click here: Re-installing
The OptiBean 4 TS Touch is equipped with an extra large waste bin. During the installation of the machine it is important to program the desired content of the bin.
Go through the following steps:
Manual OptiBean
Service Manual OptiBean
Exploded views
Touch models:
Exploded views OptiBean NG
Exploded views OptiBean (old model)
Factory default models for pushbutton machines are displayed in table (see figure)
If you want to change the canister configuration of your standard OptiBean NG go to:
Servicemenu-pincode 5 x button 2-:
2.10 Load default values, and select the optional model code you desire from the table in figure.
For the full receptbook OptiBean NG standard + link to standard Software version click here:
Receptbook OptiBean NG 2.0 standard
For NG XL models see step 2
For Touch/4 canister/Touch XL models: see slide 3&4
Factory default models for push-button machines are displayed in table (see figure)
If you want to change the canister configuration of your standard OptiBean XL NG go to:
Servicemenu-pincode 5 x button 2 :
2.10 Load default values, and select the optional model code you desire from the table in figure.
For the receptbook OptiBean XL NG standard + link to XL Software version click here:
Factory default models for Touch machines are displayed in table (see figure)
If you want to change the canister configuration of your standard OptiBean Touch go to:
Servicemenu-pincode 2-2-2-2-2 :
2.10 Load default values, and select the optional model code you desire from the table in figure.
For the full recipe data sheet OptiBean Touch standard + link to standard Touch Software version click here:
Factory default models for Touch XL machines are displayed in table (see figure)
If you want to change the canister configuration of your standard OptiBean Touch XL go to:
Servicemenu-pincode 2-2-2-2-2 :
2.10 Load default values, and select the optional model code you desire from the table in figure.
For the full recipe data sheet OptiBean Touch XL + link to standard Touch XL Software version click here:
Download here the Software update manual
ALWAYS have this document at hand when updating your OptiBean (Touch) machine to follow the correct path.
See Warning/Tip/Alternative/Fix
Software OptiBean Touch model
Software OptiBean NG models
Model with XL(44mm) brewer:
Model with Standard(37mm) brewer:
This instruction will show you how to replace the parts from the maintenance kit in your espresso group.
We recommend the installation of this kit after the group has made more than 25.000 cups.
If the coffee machine display shows 'service brewer' in the display it reached the internal counter of 25.000 cups.
The installation of this kit replaces the parts which are in contact with the coffee to ensure you a good espresso process and functioning of the espresso group.
There are two different sized maintenance kits.
Always check if you have the right kit on you for the espresso group you need to service. The espresso groups are marked with a silver label which informs you if its a 37 or an 44mm.
Both espresso groups are used in the:
Unpack the package and check the contents:
See "Warning" for early models OptiBean 2011-2015
See also "Alternative" for availability individual parts
See "FIX" for upgrade 44mm brewer
Something is NEW!
The maintenance kit looks different from what you are used to.
During the year 2020 the 37mm espresso group is executed with a new type seal used in the lower piston. The 44mm espresso group follows later, but the maintenance kit is already available.
The new seal in the lower piston is V-shaped and made from silicon, because of the flexibility of this material it keeps contact with the espresso chamber from top to bottom when it moves with a minimum of friction.
Because the new assembly (shaft / piston / V-seal & filter) is longer, the complete lower piston need to be replaced!
Disconnect the espresso group connections
Disconnect the espresso group connections.
Disconnect the espresso group connections
Remove the espresso group from the machine
Remove the espresso group from the machine
Remove the funnel and wiper by sliding it out
Disassemble the lower piston
Disassemble the lower piston
Disassemble the lower piston
- white ring was used in the 37mm brewer.
- black ring was used in the 44mm brewer.
Replace piston shaft o-ring
Replace piston shaft o-ring
Replace piston shaft o-ring
Place the new lower piston
Its possible that your espresso group was already executed with the new V-seal type.
Place the new lower piston
Place the new lower piston
Replace the funnel
Removing the upper piston
Removing the upper piston
Save both parts, you need them again!
Removing the upper piston
Service the upper piston
Tool ; PZ1 cross head screwdriver
Reassemble the upper piston
Function test
Replace the espresso group in the machine
Re-connect the espresso group
Final checks
Final checks
Reset the Service brewer signal.
The pictured menu shows you the OptiBean Touch, the menu structure of the OptiBean NG is the same.
Function test
This guide will lead you through the most advised parts you should check, clean and grease during a 1/2 year visit
Check operator menu 1.03.02 counters/service-counters/rinse&clean counters to see:
Replace if needed
Note: Make sure the markings of the seal and the baseplate are aligned!
See TIP:
Foodgrade grease 10 gram : art. nr. 1008121
Foodgrade grease 60 gram : art. nr. 1001218
Grease the o-ring (art. nr. 1000812) with foodgrade grease for optimal closing of the door
Remove the screw of the lower piston-filter
Note: During 2020 the shown parts are replaced by a new piston with a green V-ring
The old parts are therefore no longer availeble.
Cleaning and inspection can still be done like shown in the next steps or the old brewer can be upgraded with the new piston maintenance kit (see swipeguide for art.numbers)
Check the servicemenu 2.13 other settings/2.13.01 cycle counter and check if it is near to 25.000-50.000 ect. ect...
Every 25.000 cycles the display shows:
"Service brewer" (Link to swipeguide)
You are advised to implement the 25.000 service kit whenever the cycle counter is anywhere near 25.000
See also TIP
Grease the doorlock using a teflon spray
Check the servicemenu 2.13 other settings/2.13.01 cycle counter and check if it is near to 25.000-50.000 ect. ect...
Every 25.000 cycles the display shows:
"Service brewer" (Link to swipeguide)
You are advised to implement the 25.000 service kit whenever the cycle counter is anywhere near 25.000
See also TIP
This guide will lead you through the most advised parts you should check, clean and grease during a yearly visit
Check operator menu 1.03.02 counters/service-counters/rinse&clean counters to see:
Replace if needed
Note: Make sure the markings of the seal and the baseplate are aligned!
Foodgrade grease 10 gram : art. nr. 1008121
Foodgrade grease 60 gram : art. nr. 1001218
Check-clean (or replace) both fans on the back-side and the left-side:
See Tip
Grease the o-ring (art. nr. 1000812) with foodgrade grease for optimal closing of the door
Remove the screw of the lower piston-filter
Check the servicemenu 2.13 other settings/2.13.01 cycle counter and check if it is near to 25.000-50.000 ect. ect...
Every 25.000 cycles the display shows:
Link to swipeguide "Service brewer"
You are advised to implement the 25.000 service kit whenever the cycle counter is anywhere near 25.000
See also TIP
Clean the grinderdiscs preventivly yearly:
Manual cleaning: "Cleaning Grinderdiscs"
Preventive renewal the 4 bar expansion valve and 14 bar safety valve every 3 Year
Link to swipeguide: "Replacement 4+14 bar valve"
When these valve are still in brass, upgrade always to the plastic (current) versions of these 2 valves
Yearly grease the pressure regulation valve of the Espressopump
Link to swipeguide:
"Maintenance procon rotationpump"
Can easily be combined with renewal 4+14 bar valves (see previous slide)
Renew the cartridge of the water filter system yearly and reset the counter 2.06"service boiler"/2.06.02 "reset service counter"
This Instruction covers the preventive maintenance that must be performed every 2 years on the OptiBean rotary pumps.
If this is forgotten, there is a risk that the internal pressure control valve will stick due to deposits and as a result the pressure will become too high, resulting in:
In both cases, it is sufficient to perform the maintenance operations described in this swipeguide regarding the pump.
The dosing valves (see 1/2) are okay, but not resistant to pressures around / above 12 bar.
Disconnect the main cable from the backside of the machine, making the machine safe to work on without electrical power.
Take out the 2 screws from the back cover
and remove it
Unsrew the pressure adjustment shaft from the Procon pump completely using a wrench nr. 17
Take out the moving shaft+o-ring and grease the
O-ring with a little foodgrade grease.
Beware of loosing the spring behind the moving shaft!
After greasing the O-ring put the complete assembly back into the pump and fasten it again with te wrench nr. 17.
Note: If you did not adjust the central screw, the pump pressure will be correct again (8-10 bar)
In case of any doubt: see also the swipeguide for adjustment of the pump pressure
After this: refit the main cable and allow the machine to start-up again.
When it is back on temperature: dispence a random drink/recipe to restore the boiler circuit pressure.
After doing so: make a standard coffee recipe and check if everything is dispenced like it should
Check if nothing is leaking. If not: put the back cover back on the machine
This instruction helps you to prepare the machine before starting the renewal:
If your machine is already heated up:
Push the wrench button to access the menu
For Touchscreen models: See "Alternative"
In the service menu (access pincode: 5x button 2) go to:
If you get the message "remove supply hose and press enter (V)" :
Now you get the message: "System is depressurised"
At this point: Abort the shutdown programm by simply removing the powercable at the backside
Now your machine is safe to work on!
Take out the power cord
Remove the screw underneath the fan
Take out the fan and remove the wiring from the clips.
Now you have good acces to the 4 bar and 14 bar valves.
Use a wrench nr.8 to remove the right angled fitting from DV6 (Coil is facing downwards)
Turn it clockwise
Now fit the new 14 bar safety valve on the free spot of the watersupport outlet
Now is the perfect time to do the 2-yearly service on the procon espresso pump
Go to guide "Service Procon pump"
This guide will instruct you how to check the pump pressure and how to adjust it in case of renewal of the Procon rotation pump
To proceed you need the manometer from the service kit OptiBean
If message shows: "remove drain plug and press enter (V)"
DO NOT proceed with V, but take out the main cable from backside machine to disconnect from electrical network (see next slide)
Tip: By doing like indicated above, the shut down program is aborted and you're allowed to service the boilerssystem. The boiler is now depressurised and therefore safe to work on
Remove the power cord
Remove both (L+R) screws from the back cover and remove cover.
Check the manometer after dispencing a coffee recipe for the correct 4 bar (Pre) boilerpressure.
Note: If the expansion valve is worn out or from an older type it might be less pressure (3 bar)
When the pressure on the manometer fades to zero in the 15 minutes after making a drink, indeed the expansion valve is leaking (worn out) and needs to be replaced
Now: dispence a coffee recipe and during the dispencing , check the manometer if it reaches a pressure between 8,5-10 bar. This is Okay!
If not: check the coarseness of your grounded coffee and make it finer (mostly) and try again.
During the dispencing of a coffee drink, you can increase-decrease the pump pressure by turning the central adjustment screw
Note: Screw in (clockwise) = more pressure
During the dispence of a coffee drink, the pressure wil slowly build up towards the 8,5-10 bar (max)
Note: if the 8,5-10 bar cannot be reached , dispite the fact that the coarseness of the beans is Okay, probably your pump is defect and needs to be replaced
To remove the manometer again from your machine:
Click here: Depressurize boiler
This instruction helps you when the grinder:
In this second event, mostly the free outlet of the coffee was obstructed or the rubber flapper inside outlet 13911 isn't opening anymore
Or check TIP for extra possible cause
Tip: instead of manual cleaning dicribed in the next slides it's also possible to use GRINDZ "cleaning Beans" (art. nr. 1000151)
Take out the complete Bean hopper moving it upwards
Use a vacuumcleaner to remove the remaining coffeebeans from the top of the grinder
Loosen the little philipshead screw on top of the grinder outlet ( 13911)
Take away the plastic grinder outlet, sliding the upper part away from the grinder outlet first.
Tip: the outlet 13911 is a delicate part.
We advise you to renew is yearly, but you can also clean it during the yearly maintenance.
Clean or renew the plastic grinder outlet 13911, giving extra attention to the condition of the rubber flapper inside.
Tip: Make sure the plastic is not cracked or damaged!
Unscrew both screws from the aluminium grinder head (left+right)
Take out the left screw
Take away the upper aluminium (fixed disc) head of the grinder
Clean the upper ceramic disc by using the standard brush and a vacuum cleaner
Tip: The ceramic discs can last for 300.000 shots!
These discs only need to be replaced in case of very high dispencing counters or when they are damaged by a rock in the beans ect.
Clean the rotating disc as well , using a vacuüm cleaner and the standard brush
Before re-fitting the upper aluminium disc head: make sure the plastic grinder bottem is facing towards the frontside of the machine!
Fit the Aluminium head back in it's place, paying extra attantion to the correct position of the plastic outlet (yellow circle) and put both screws back into place (red circles)
Tighten borh screws again.
Refit the grinder outlet again , starting bottom first and than tightening the little screw with gentle force!
Fit the beanhopper back into the machine, fill it up with Beans and open the bottom-slide again (moving to the left/upwards)
New HDMI cable replacement kit (
Remove the inner cover
Remove the plastic cover plate by pressing the release button at the bottom.
Pull the HDMI cable towards you
Disconnect the HDMI cable from the interface board.
Pull the HDMI cable completely back trough the inner panel.
Separate the earth cable* from the HDMI cable.
*If your machine does not have this 'earth cable' you can skip this action.
Disconnect the HDMI cable from the main board.
Example of the widened opening side panel to allow the new larger HDMI plug trough.
Fit the new HDMI plug and cable trough the widened opening from the inside (brewer side)
Fit the earth cable* trough the 2 rubbers on the new HDMI cable.
*If your machine does not have this 'earth cable' you can skip this action.
Connect the HDMI cable to the main circuit board.
Secure the cable(s) back in the clips.
*If your machine does not have this 'earth cable' you can skip this action.
Attach the tulle in the (widened) opening of side panel.
Remove the backing paper from double-sided tape
This instruction will show you how to replace the brewermotor ( in your OptiBean Coffee machine
We recommend the preventive replacement of the motor after a cycle counter indicates more than 50.000 cups
Replacement could also be neccacarry in case of:
See also TIP
Disconnect the power cord
Remove the plastic slide.
Note: earlier models of the side are made from stainless steel.
Disconnect the espresso group connections
Remove the espresso group from the machine
Remove the espresso group from the machine
Take out the 4 philipshead screws that hold the motorunit
Move the motorunit to the left
Disconnect the earth cable from the motor
Disconnect both connectors:
When the motorunit is out:
a perfect access to the brewer valve DV1 for inspection, maitenance or replacement
See also TIP
Connect both cables of the new motorunit to the connectors in the motorcompartment
Connect the earthcable to the new motorunit
Put the new motorunit into place and refit the 4 screws again
Put the brewer in back into the machine
Reconnect espresso group
Replace the coffee outlet pipe
Connect the bottom tube (water supply).
Final checks
Final checks
Still errors? see Fix
This Instruction covers the renewal of the Procon pump head. (art. nr. 1000696)
Mostly this is neccacary when the pump is not making any sufficient pressure any more due to wearing or as a result of agressive water
See also TIP
Touch version:
hit the upper text: "make your choice" for acces to the operator menu
NG/Pushbutton version:
press the wrench button on the inside door /service panel for acces operator menu
Press "OPERATOR MENU" and enter pincode 1-1-1-1-1
GOTO: "SERVICE MENU" and enter by pincode :
Goto 2.14 Installation menu and select
"shut down program"
Place the bowl as indicated and press start.
Machine DV2 / mixer valve opens and releases the system pressure into the bowl
After this "pressure release step" don't go any further in the shut down programme but:
Just disconnect the power cord from the backside of the machine, making the machine safe to work on without electrical power.
Take out the 2 screws and remove the back cover
Release both winkeled couplings on the pump head and use a screwdriver to push out the white "non-return valve" of the coupling most away from you
This is how it should look like before loosening the clamp in the next slide
Loosen the philipshead screw of the clamp holding the head and the motor together
Move the pumphead to the left , disconnecting it from the motor shaft
Take the pumphead completely out
Remove both right angled couplings from the old pump and fit them on the new pump.
Fit the right-angled couplings on te new pumphead
Fit the new pumphead on the motor shaft and make sure both surfaces align in order to be able to fit the clamp again to keep them together
Tip: Before adjusting the philipshead screw of the clamp again, make sure the in-out's of the pump are in the upright position!
Tighten the clamp screw again
Refit both teflon hoses into the correct coupling.
Tip: if the teflon hose is to "Slick", use a tiny piece of sandpaper to get a "gripp"on the teflon hose. Make sure it gets in ALL the way!!
After this: refit the main cable and allow the machine to start-up again.
When it is back on temperature: dispence a random drink/recipe to restore the boiler circuit pressure.
After doing so: make a standard coffee recipe and check if everything is dispenced like it should
Check if nothing is leaking due to your activities.
If not:
Refit the back cover to the machine
This instruction helps you to prepare the machine before installing a new boiler:
Note: All Brass fittings have been replaced by plastic versions in 2018 and automatically you will receive always the plastic fittings when ordering a boiler kit art. nr. 1002876
If your machine is already heated up:
Push the wrench button to access the menu
See "Alternative" for Touch version
In the service menu (access pincode: 5x button 2) goto:
If you get the message "remove supply hose and press enter (V)":
Now you get shortly the message: "System is depressurised"
Now your machine is safe to work on!
When you get the message:
"the boiler is empty, please switch off the machine"
Remove the screw underneath the ventilator
Take out the ventilator and remove the wiring from the clips.
Now you have good acces to the boiler.
Take out the connector of the temperature sensor
Remove 2 screws from the right side panel (frontside+backside) and take off the side panel
Release the ring on the brewer valve by pressing it with a tool.
Take out the hose.
Release the ring on the watersupport and take out the hose.
Take away the red locking ring of the pump backflow valve
Press the red ring on the backflow valve and take out the hose.
Move the right-hand side of the boiler towards you and remove the wiring.
Note: by pulling the plastic covers of each plug you release the lock
Take out the boiler completely
Fit the boiler assembly back into the machine and refit the wiring
Refit the boilerclamp and fasten it with the screw
Fit the short tube coming from the top of the boiler to the upper watersupport
Fit the long hose coming from the top of the boiler to the brewer valve
When your boiler was leaking this is mostly caused by agressive water.
Check your general waterhardness and the by-pass setting on your waterfilter, following instructions for vending machines of your filtersupplier .
Minimum hardness after the filter should be 2-3 Carbon hardness!
Lower will damage your new boiler and other machineparts again!
This instruction will guide you trough the best way of replacement of:
This can be neccacary if:
Open the door and remove the upper bolt of the cover
Remove the steel cover with instructions
Release the lip of the chrome frontcover by pressing it forward.
Meanwhile: move the chrome frontcover upwards (see next slide)
Remove the chroom cover by sliding it upwards
Take the black plastic body out of the door from backside
Take out all 6 screws that hold the touch screen assembly to the frontside of the door
While holding the touchscreen assembly in your hands:
Loosen all 6 screws holding the plastic frame to the old touchscreen
Unbox the new touchscreen and place it next to the old touchscreen on the table
Take out both connectors from the electronic board:
Now remove the plastic frame completely and place it on the back-side of the new touchscreen
Take out the connector of the touchscreen backlight
Now we need to unlock both flatcables of the touchscreen:
Unlock the wide flatcable by pushing the black lockbracket 2-3mm away from the white connector
Important note: Be very gently doing this!
Breaking the lock means you need to buy a new interface board!
Slide out both flatcables.
Important: Take good notice how far they were inside the connector!!
Later on, the flatcables of the new touchscreen will have to go in exactly as far, otherwise it will effect the touchscreen performance!!
Be very gently; DO NOT use any pliers or other tooling to remove the flatcables! This will lead to damaged flatcables!
Release the black lip, securing the electronic board and take out the electronicboard completely
Take the electronic board and place it directly into the framework of the new Touchscreen
Take the long black frame and prepare it for fitting it back unto the new touchscreen
Make sure the wiring of the speaker (red/white) and led lights (black cable connector) are in the right spot before laying the frame down unto the touchscreen.
Fit long the plastic frame with the speaker unto the new Touchscreen and tighten it again with all 6 screws
Slide in both flatcables
Note: Make sure they go in ALL the way!!
Warning: Do not use any tools like pliers ect.: You will damage the flatcables making the complete touchscreen useless! Fingers only!
Close the lock of the wide flatcable connector
Close the lock of the small flatcable by flipping it downwards
Fit the touchscreen assembly back to the frontside of the door using all 6 screws
Note: make sure the HMDI cable is guided in such a way it isn't in between door chassis-black plastic frame
Fit the bracket back into the door
Slide the chrome cover downwards till it clicks
Put the steel cover+instructions back into its place
Fasten it with the upper bolt
Make a last check here if everything is OK
Make sure everething is looking OK from this side
In case of stripes: go back to step 21 and check the flatcables on correct assembly
This instruction will guide you trough the best way of replacement of art. nr. 1006339
This can be neccacary in case of:
Open the door and remove the upper bolt of the cover
Remove the cover
Release the lip of the chrome front cover by pressing it forward.
Meanwhile: move the chrome cover frontside upwards (see next slide)
Remove the chrome cover by sliding it upwards
Take the black plastic body out of the door from the backside
Take out all 6 screws that hold the touch screen assembly to the frontside of the door
While holding the touchscreen assembly in your hand:
Take out both connectors from the electronic board:
Take out the connector of the touchscreen backlight
Now we need to unlock both flatcables of the touchscreen:
Left flatcable: flip upwards the black connector lock of the small flatcable using a tiny screwdriver
Unlock the wide flatcable by pushing the black lockbracket 2-3mm away from the white connector
Important note: Be very gently doing this!
Breaking the lock means you need to buy a new interface board!
Slide out both flatcables.
Important: Take good notice how far they were inside the connector!!
Later on, the flatcables of the new touchscreen will have to go in exactly as far, otherwise it will effect the touchscreen performance!!
Be very gently; DO NOT use any pliers or other tooling to remove the flatcables! This will lead to damaged flatcables!
Release the black lip, securing the electronic board and take out the electronicboard completely
Unbox the new interface and take it out of the protetective foly
Take the new interface module and place it in the box
Slide in both flatcables
Note: Make sure they go in ALL the way!!
Warning: Do not use any tools like pliers ect.:
You will damage the flatcables making the complete touchscreen useless! Fingers only!
Close the lock of the wide flatcable connector
Close the lock of the small flatcable by flipping it downwards
Take the complete assembly into your hands and:
Fit the touchscreen assembly back to the frontside of the door using all 6 screws
Note: make sure the HMDI cable is guided in such a way it isn't in between door chassis-black plastic frame
After renewing the interface board it is always advised to update the machine with the latest SW version.
The most recent version is always te be found at the Animo website/ My Animo platform:
Fit the bracket back into the door
Slide the chrome cover downwards till it clicks
Put the steel cover+instructions back into its place
Fasten it with the upper bolt
Make a last check here if everything is OK
Make sure everething is looking OK from this side
This instruction helps you to prepare the machine before starting the renewal of the boilersensor :
When your machine is already started up:
Open the door and push the wrench key on the service keypad inside the door for acces to the operator menu
Acces the menu by pressing the wrench key on the inside of the door
Now this message appears;
" remove supply hose press enter (V)"
When this message appears: 'remove drain plug and press V"
DO NOT proceed and just abort the drain programme by disconnecting the main cable from the machine (see next slide)
Now the machine is depressurised (internal boilersystem) and without electrical power.
The machine is now safe to work on
Remove the screw under the fan
Take out the sensor connector
Take out the sensor anti-clockwise, using wrench nr. 14
Fit the new sensor together with a new o-ring
Now your machine is ready for use again!
This instruction helps you when the plastic grinder driving wheel underneeth the lower ceramic disc of the Ditting coffe grinder is broken and the grinder doesn't produce any grounded coffee anymore (or even makes strange noise when running)
The driving wheel+belt are available under
Take out the complete Beanhopper upwards
Use a vacuumcleaner to remove the remaining coffeebeans on top of the grinder
Loosen the little philipshead screw on top of the grinder outlet ( 13911)
Take away the plastic grinder outlet, sliding the upper part away from the grinder outlet first.
Tip: The outlet is a delicate part. We advise you to renew is yearly but you can also clean is during the yearly maintenance in case of low amount of dispenced drinks.
Clean or renew the plastic grinder outlet 13911, giving extra attention to the condition of the rubber flapper inside.
Tip: Make sure the plastic is not cracked or damaged!
Unscrew both screws from the fixed aluminium grinder head (left+right)
Take out the left screw
Take away the upper aluminium (fixed disc) head of the grinder
Clean the upper ceramic disc by using the standard brush and a vacuum cleaner
Tip: The ceramic discs can last for 300.000 shots!
Only need to be replaced in case of very high dispencing counters or when they are damaged by a rock in the beans ect.
Clean the rotating disc as well , using a vacuüm cleaner and the standard brush
Remove both (L+R) screws from the back cover and remove it.
Unscrew both screws from the belt cover
Take away the belt cover
Un-tighten (but do not take out ) both screws of the grinder motor, allowing the belt some slack in order to easy the removal of the front-side disc axle ( later on in this instruction)
Now, with the motor loosened, give the belt some "slack"
Goto the front-side of the machine: use a firm (straight) screwdriver underneath the plastic grinder bottom ans Gently maneuver the upper disc upwards, sliding it out of the damaged plastic beltwheel
Take it out completely
Extra (July 2021):
The parts marked wit A can also be ordered when needed with 1010426
Push the plastic wheel backwards with your finger in the direction of the arrow
Take out the damaged whel from the backside and replace it with a new wheel and belt.
When the ceramic discs are damaged or the grinder motor gives you any trouble: please find the art. nr's here!
Before re-fitting the upper aluminium disc head: make sure the plastic grinder bottem is facing towards the frontside of the machine!
Fit the Aluminium head back in it's place, paying extra attention to the correct position of the plastic outlet (yellow circle) and put both screws back into place (red circles)
Tighten both screws again.
Move the motor backwards to get away the "slack" from the belt and tighten both screws again to secure the motor
Refit the grinder outlet (13911) again, starting bottom first and than tightening the little screw with gentle force!
Fit the beanhopper back into the machine, fill it up with Beans and open the bottom-slide again (moving to the left/upwards)
Replace the grinderboard ( when:
Note: for all models there is only 1 board available with standard 2 grinder outputs
For 1 grinder machines:
Download the modification document:
As from week 38/2021- serial no. 1AF27426 the doorswitches housing of all OptiBean and OptiFresh machines (touch & push-button) have been upgraded. 1010715 (see also picture) is retrofit with all previous machines and this gives:
This swipeguide will show you how to upgrade your machine to the current situation
Switch off the machine
Take out both screws (front and backside)
Remove the side-panel by pulling the lower section away from the chassis and than manouvre the panel upwards
Remove the lower switch by taking out both screws
Place both switches into new housing
Place the closed housing assembly onto the inner panel and fit the 2 M4 screws
The proper working of both switches can be tested in the hardware test 2.07/Inputs/doorswitch -doorswitch2
Always keep this o-ring (art. nr. 1000812) greased with foodgrade grease for optimal closing of the door
Foodgrade grease 10 gram : art. nr. 1008121
Foodgrade grease 60 gram : art. nr. 1001218
Grease the doorlock using High-Tef(lon) oil
Starting week 20/2023 serial no. 1SG13159 the mixer valve(s) and hotwater valves have been changed from 3-way valves into 2-way valves.
This is done to avoid incidental E25 errors because the mixer or hotwater valve did not open.
The 2-way valves have proven to open always.
Cupsensors no longer attached to the door-interface but implemented on the mainboard (Future use, not active yet)
All models with 24 Volt pumps are directly connected and powered from the main-board.
Material change
New (meter ware)
From date / Machine number
Material change from PTFE (left) into FEP (right)
When the display permanently shows "System Synchronizing" like shown in the picture, you are advised to replace the HMDI cable .
Error "E5" is displayed whenever the brewer does not detect both switches (1+2) when the door is closed or the machine is switched on.
See figure for more specific info.
See "Tip" below.
Look for bad connections in both connectors
E6 Possible cause:
the service menu:
2.07 Hardware test/Inputs/Temperature
activated. Reset if necessary.
E7 Brewer Error
E8 Mixer error
Possible cause:
E10 Valve error
Possible cause:
E11 Ingredient motor error
Possible cause:
A motor current (unloaded) between 25-50mA is OK. thoroughly.
E13 Mixer group error
Possible cause:
E14 Output error
Possible cause:
Possible cause:
Possible cause:
Possible cause:
E21 Boiler time out: Temperature setpoint was not reached within 6 minutes.
In most cases of a E21 error, air has entered the boiler and is positioned in the top of the boiler where the temperature sensor is positioned (see Tip&Fix)
Possible cause
Maximum preparation time exceeded
(120 sec). The time for preparing a
recipe has been exceeded.
Check both switches on functioning in:
2.07 Hardware test/inputs/brewer switch1&2
Check both connectors
A "E25 flowmeter error" occurs when:
Possible Cause:
E30 error mostly occurs when:
Set (and weigh) the right amount of coffee always at: 2.01 Quickrecipe Pro
E30 error occurs when;
E31: Brewing coffee is finished, but motor is unable to open the brewer and push the puck out.